Convert 100% of Employees to Electronic Pay
Pay Cards are the solution for businesses who want to convert their employees to 100% direct deposit, even employees without a bank account. Businesses can save money by eliminating paper check production, distribution, and reconciliation.

Cash Access
PIN Debit Cash Back
No Charge PIN and POS transactions
Transfer to a Bank Account
Bank Teller Cash Withdrawal
Signature and PIN Debit
Online Purchasing
Mail/Telephone Order
Money Orders
Deposits & Transfers
Deposit of Primary Payroll
Deposit of Secondary Payroll
Direct Deposit of Benefits
eZtransfer® to a Bank Account
Account Access
Toll Free IVR
24x7 Customer Service
Bi-lingual account access
Online cardmember portal

Employer Benefits
Convert 100% of employees to direct deposit
Cost savings over paper check production and distribution
Reduce bank fees and expenses from paper check deposits and reconciliation
Use for delivery of termination pay, adjustments, expense reimbursements and bonuses
Distribution of pay effective even for employees in remote areas or when impacted by a natural disaster
Eliminate tracking and escheatment of non-deliverable funds or un-cashed payroll checks
Creates a higher, more productive business
Employee Benefits
More features and better value than most bank accounts
Eliminates check cashing fees
Make purchases wherever MasterCard® Debit Cards are accepted, including online
Convenient access to card balances and transaction activity 24x7 at no charge
Funds are secure and can be replaced if pay card is lost or stolen
Event driven text messages with balances and card activity
Funds FDIC insured up to $250,000